DNA Testing DrGene - Lucid

I Tested My Own DNA with a Gene Testing Kit

Genetic testing and how it will impact the future of health and wellness has piqued my curiosity at Lucid lately, so I took the plunge and decided to take a genetic test focused on fitness and wellness.

Genetic testing is still reasonably new, and has only recently become affordable for individuals. In the year 2000 it took 10 years, and US$1 billion to sequence an individuals genome.  Now it can be done at a fraction of the cost and time.

The DNA Testing Kit from DrGene

I purchased the fitness test from DrGene, a local company offering genetic testing in Hong Kong, however if you’re not based in Hong Kong 23andme is a well known international company which provides similar tests. HK$3,000 (~US$390) and a few days later I received the test kit with instructions and saliva swabs.

DrGene Genetic Test Unboxing 1

DrGene Genetic Test Unboxing 2

Two swab tests come with the box, I assume in case one is contaminated, lost, etc.

DrGene Genetic Test Unboxing 3

In case you couldn’t tell, we at Lucid are passionate about body betterment, neuro-enhancement, productivity & focus. To be kept up to date on any other blogs or infographics, add yourself to our community mailing list.

DrGene Genetic Test Unboxing 4

DrGene Genetic Test Unboxing 6

DrGene Genetic Test Unboxing 7

Be careful not to swap too hard or for too long, the tips can come off!

DrGene Genetic Test Unboxing 8

DrGene Genetic Test Unboxing 9

After DrGene’s courier came and picked up the samples, I received my results in digital format in just under 4 weeks.  Below are my results:

DrGene Fitness DNA Test Report: .

My Gene Testing Results

Apart from the first page, the results come back in a fairly technical format and not exactly easy to read. This is what I was able to extract from the report:

  • High protein consumption will result in higher fat burning
  • My body is efficient at storing fat from fat that I consume, so I should be careful how much fat I consume
  • I have a higher than average satiety, so I should adopt strategies to promote a sense of fullness such as consuming high fibre food (eg salads, soups, vegetables, and full fruits). Drinking water helps to feel full, however sugary drinks and sweets stimulate hunger.
  • My body is efficient at both aerobic & enduring exercise, as well as short and powerful bursts (anaerobic)
  • I have better than average flexibility, and a reduced risk of injury
  • My body has normal ability to break down fat, if I want to loose weight I should consider a low fat diet. However this is then contradicted slightly by saying I should reduce calories, decrease consumption of trans fats, and increase consumption of polyunsaturated fat.
  • Normal handling of cholesterol

The Verdict on DrGene

Several of the results in the report were new to me, and gave me a better understanding of my body – and a number of them were reminders of what I already aware of through trial an error over time.

While the report definitely contains some interesting results, I was actually hoping for more results than I received!  I’m sure there are current limitations in what genes variations have been identified, and how they impact fitness and wellness – so likely this will expand over time.  For sake of comparison you can take a look at 23andme’s sample report here.

In case you couldn’t tell, we at Lucid are passionate about body betterment, neuro-enhancement, productivity & focus. To be kept up to date on any other blogs or infographics, add yourself to our community mailing list.
Aaron Weller

Aaron is the CEO & Co-Founder of Lucid. He brings a wealth of business smarts and startup experience to the team and is heading up the launch of future growth of the company.