RISEConf Top Picks: PITCH Semi-Finalists
RISEConf, for those of you who do not know is a large Startup/Technology conference held in Hong Kong every year, started by the same team behind Web Summit. Over the past 2 days I have had the pleasure of watching the majority of the startup pitches leading into the semi-finals, and all the startups pitching in the semi-finals. The finals will be held tomorrow, and only 3 startups will make it through to the finals.
My top picks of the semi-finalists are:
TripInsider is the Airbnb for personalised trips in cities with locals, experience a city like a local rather than a tourist. I love this idea, and it’s exactly the kind of experience I like to have when visiting new cities. The business model has some challenges, such as ensuring the quality of the trips on the market place, however TripInsider’s team is focusing on getting that right first before scaling users onto the platform. They’ve noticed NPS increases as they bring additional trips onto the platform, so they’ve been focusing on bringing on high quality and relevant trips onto the platform. On top of this they have a super star team the helm, with a lot of experience building and scaling businesses.
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Great to see SoundBrenner back after they made it into the finals at RISEConf last year! Last year it was just a concept, it’s come to life and is doing very well. They have experienced strong sales (through direct sales, partnerships, and on crowd funding campaigns) and have a partner with the largest music instrument retailer. With no competitors, SoundBrenner has great prospects.
HXL Group
HXL Group has created an investment platform to allow Chinese (in China) to legally invest in offshore investments in small increments. HXL carefully curates the investments through their existing global connections, and have setup a special legal structure which makes it legal for Chinese to invest offshore. China currently has $21 trillion in savings, the Yuan is devaluing, and China has capital flow limits in place which prevent it’s citizens from investing overseas – this has created a big opportunity for HXL.
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