Beddit Smart Sleep Tracker Review

After a few weeks of having trouble sleeping, and dealing with the follow on effects of lack of sleep (poor focus, cognition, and performance the following day), I decided to check what options were available to to track my sleep and see if there was anything I could do about it. I came across a few options: Jawbone UP3, Fitbit Flex, and finally Beddit. I made the quick decision to go with Beddit Smart Sleep Tracker (US$149), as I didn’t want to wear something on wrist each night and thought it would have the most accurate results as it was dedicated to doing this one task.

Photos of unboxing & installing:

Beddit Smart Sleep Tracking Boxed

Beddit Smart Sleep Tracking Boxed 2

Beddit Smart Sleep Tracking Open Box

Beddit Smart Device

Installing is a simple as lifting up your sheet, sticking it to the bed, and plugging the power in. It’s designed for a single person, and is installed on the side of the bed you sleep on.

Beddit Smart Installed

The science behind how the Beddit works can be found here.

In case you couldn’t tell, we at Lucid are passionate about body betterment, neuro-enhancement, productivity & focus. To be kept up to date on any other blogs or infographics, add yourself to our community mailing list.

The next step is to install the Beddit mobile app, create an account, and then connect the Beddit device (all fairly easy, no photos on these steps!).

The mobile app looks like this, you get a score each night (out of 100), and then can see the sleep time, efficiency, heart rate, and respiration. Also the positives and negatives below your score can be seen.

11 - Beddit Mobile Dashboard 12 - Beddit Mobile Dashboard 13 - Beedit Mobile Dashboard

If you head over to you can see a few more details on your results, although mainly just general information.


14 - Beddit Web Overview


Beddit Web Interface

Beddit Web Interface Graph

Beddit Sleep Trends

Beddit Sleep Recommendations



Did it improve my sleep?

The device on it’s own didn’t improve my sleep, however the insights I received did (and continue to) help me take steps to improve my sleep. It wasn’t life changing, and was more use of my existing knowledge of sleep applied to the data I was receiving that enabled me to make the necessary changes. The Beddit Smart Tracker is not FDA approved as a medical device (it’s not designed to prevent, cure, or diagnose any disease or medical condition), and as such can’t give exact tips on exactly how to resolve your sleep issues (however this is the case with similar devices, so don’t get your hopes up for a magical device).

 The Verdict:


  • Tracks my sleep!
  • I don’t have to wear anything on my wrist, which I didn’t want to during my sleep.
  • Using the “Smart Measurement” feature it automatically starts tracking when you start sleeping (although this didn’t always worked, and could pick up partners on the other side of the bed, and apparently pets as well!)
  • Simple & easy interface
  • No charging required (it’s permanently plugged into the power point via USB)
  • The Smart Alarm feature can wake you up when you are in a light sleep, which can mean you wake up less groggy and more awake.


  • “Smart Measurement”/Automatic sleep tracking doesn’t always switch on, which means you sometimes miss a night or two of tracking if you don’t pay attention (can usually fix this by turning on and off bluetooth, or in extreme cases unplug the power to the hardware device and plug it back in)
  • “Smart Measurement”/Automatic sometimes tracks others (even when they are on the other side of the bed), so it can mess up your results
  • The app doesn’t pin point any specific medical issues you might be facing, and how you could fix those (this is the same across all similar devices, and Beddit would require FDA approval to provide this advice)

I would be curious to try some of the other hardware devices to see how they compare, however for now I am happy with the Beddit and will continue to use it.

In case you couldn’t tell, we at Lucid are passionate about body betterment, neuro-enhancement, productivity & focus. To be kept up to date on any other blogs or infographics, add yourself to our community mailing list.
Aaron Weller

Aaron is the CEO & Co-Founder of Lucid. He brings a wealth of business smarts and startup experience to the team and is heading up the launch of future growth of the company.